October Roundup

•November 11, 2009 • 1 Comment

A collation of some of the more significant events going on in the last month.


Nasa releases HUGE report on ISS experiments

VASIMR rockets

ESA seeks volunteers for simulated 520 day trip to Mars

Disease proposed as major barrier to manned space exploration

Water confirmed on the Moon, Mars and asteroids

Apophis probably of impact decreased

Lava tubes discovered on the Moon

Exoplanets, mysterious heliopause ribbons, glowing rings of Saturn, oh my!

Einstein still king of the hill at astrophysics

Continue reading ‘October Roundup’

Dynasty Founded.

•November 10, 2009 • Leave a Comment

Hello everyone. After a while I’ve decided to start doing the blogging thing again, but instead of teenage livejournal angst of years gone by, I thought I’d stick to more interesting things like my burgeoning passion for astronomy and inherent geekiness with technology and science fiction.

So as a starter post, I guess that I’m bound to say that I’m an early twenties mechanical engineering student in the UK. I love astronomy now currently more than my actual degree, and I’m tentatively entertaining thoughts of doing a masters in it, although that might turn out to be a pipe dream.  I love reading; one of the principle worries I have when I finish this year is how Im going to get my bookcase home since the volume of books is impressive to say the least. Hopefully this blog should be informational and interesting for you guys to read and for me to check I know things in enough detail. And so it begins.